Sunday 1 March 2009

Nice video from Microsoft

Just been reading Bill Buxton's Sketching User Experiences, and then came across this blog on TechCast Network with a video showing Microsoft's future concepts.

It's a perfect example of how sketching or Wizard of Oz style experiences can extend to polished videos as well as more traditional paper prototypes.

Re the future vision though, I can't quite tell if I'm excited or scared. Microsoft's video seems to epitomise ubiquity - the 'screens' are everywhere. (And I want to try them out!)

So on the one hand, fantastic! You need never be out of reach or be unable to identify a plant. But yet everything seems technologically mediated and all the interfaces look the same. Obviously it's just a vision and no doubt future technology will not resemble the video in many ways, yet it seems another step towards homogeneity.

Perhaps more attention needs to be spent on devices such as LadyAda's Design Noir prototypes...

1 comment:

jane bowman said...

strange question but did you live in cumbernauld as a child, if so please get in touch i think i was your next door neighbour. My email is